
Ms. Ramona (MSc. BSc. UWI)

Creative Director & Founder (PLI); Educator; Facilitator.

Teaching has possibly always been my calling. My teaching strategy incorporates a participatory approach as I believe that free flowing topical discussions and peer teaching, not only creates a confident, critical thinking learner and a comfortable environment, but it also helps me to learn new things. That’s what I want students to experience – learning can be fun, there is no age limit, and it doesn’t necessarily include reading/regurgitating from a textbook.

This is also the approach that has also been successful throughout my workshops. Some of these include those done with youth leaders throughout Trinidad and Tobago and even my mentoring and support of young persons in the field of entrepreneurship.

Throughout my twelve plus years of teaching, I have come to cherish the relationships that I build with my learners – where years later, they still call or message with random memories and best wishes. That’s what I love, creating that lasting impression. I even teach some of their kids now!
This is what partly led me to create PLI; to help bring positive change to the learning dynamics in Trinidad and Tobago and help create a more sustainable and critical thinking people. This does not only include young persons but also the adult learners who wish to attain upward mobility through education and skill advancement.

As a leader, I try to create that positive energy. I incorporate the same participatory approach with my wonderful team as their feedback matters, even when there are differences in opinions. I believe it is vital to understand their perspective – within the classroom and on an individual level. I am very proud of PLI and its adaptable, humanistic approach to teaching and learning!