About Us

Platinum Learning Institute (PLI) was formally established in 2019 by our Creative Director, Ms. Ramona Ramroop, to fill the gap of student-centred learning. This gap was noticed by Ms. Ramroop throughout her teaching career which spans over twelve years and includes both the primary and secondary level – students and adult learners. This was also noticed during her participatory workshops done with youths throughout Trinidad and Tobago.

It is for this reason, that our classes, both full time and part time/lessons, are conducted using a participatory methodology, encourage student participation and interest driven.
Lessons are taught using methods that appeal to various learning styles and incorporate strategies to encourage critical thinking – beyond the confines of rote, traditionalist learning. PLI’s programmes are inclusive as we believe in creating a comfortable, equitable learning space for young and mature learners, ensuring lifelong learning for all.

Ms. Ramona Ramroop (sitting first row, centre) with some youth participants post presentation of her regional UNILREC/UNV project: Youth Volunteerism for Peacebuilding and Disarmament: Youth Measuring Community Security Through Participatory Indicators. Photo Courtesy: Shauna Sankar, UNDP.



PLI’s mission centres around inclusion, teamwork, and dialogue as we aim to transform learning into a truly student centred, participative environment. We closely identify with the Sustainable Development Goal 4, its targets, and indicators as we try to fill the existing learning gaps and break traditionalist approach to education locally.



PLI’s vision is to provide quality, holistic, inclusive lifelong learning opportunities for leaners of all ages through innovative and participatory methods.

Our Staff

PLI boasts of a well round team of bright, qualified, caring, and dedicated teachers. Our teaching staff are all registered with the Ministry of Education, possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in their respective subject areas, and have over 15 years of teaching experience within the private education sector at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

Some collective accolades include:

  • Current CXC markers at the CSEC and CAPE levels
  • Attained full CXC and CAPE passes throughout their teaching careers
  • Assisted students in attaining their first-choice schools at SEA (98%)
  • Assisted students who placed on the top 100 at SEA and CXC (locally and regionally
  • Mentored past students on starting and operating their own businesses, encouraging youth development through entrepreneurship.